To Our Investors                                           


Dear Investors,

Have you heard this before?


If this sounds remotely familiar, it is because corporate CEOs in the western countries are given this by their public relations offices to present to their public / private investors in an attempt to mark their awareness (or WOKE) understanding of conditions that are outside of their control, yet impacting their corporate performance dynamics. The PR departments copy one another on this premise, and then offer the econometrics of their performance with something akin to……” Against this backdrop…….....” and proceed with their corporate economic statistics.

We don’t take that “out-of-control” “WOKE” approach. Our investors we speak to directly as to the coming environments with which we will direct capital in the future, and thus, coverages that we will underwrite for maximum financial performance exclusively. We are an insurance company. We carefully review, assess, and abate the risk of the contracts we select to underwrite and thus, we carefully select our clientele.

Rather than the negative “back-drop,” we  engage & inform our investors on “why the environment exist,” and more-over “why it is a net positive for the future underwriting though our firm,” and the people of the world in general.

With the full and complete collapse in the 20th century of the three (3) “One size fits all Globalist political & economic systems” of “Nazism,” the “Soviet Union,” and now the “New World Order” in the west, the entire world populations have had to adjust, as each of the systems were imperialistic in seeking a single standardized social, political & economic system.

Today, we see the rise of populations returning to their nation, culture, customs & traditions as the bases for a flourishing social order and reorganizing around racial and ethnic identities. With the inevitable and accelerating death of western liberal globalism, the world is basically fracturing and reorganizing populations are reorganizing around their own shared identity markers such as nation, culture, custom, ethnicity, race & region.

This is the rise of the “Civilization State.” A return to culturally cohesive civilizations that don’t aspire to world domination as did Nazism, the Soviet Union or Western Liberal Globalism held as their desired focus and objective. (i.e. The New World Order for example.) Rather, these culturally cohesive ecosystems are becoming a world unto themselves.

In Russia for example, President Putin has noted that he has rebuilt the “Russian Empire.” (Not the “Soviet Union”) The Russian empire dates back 1,000 years. Since the collapse of the Soviet Union, in Russia under Putin, the number of churches for example, has grown from 1,950 to over 41,000+. Thus, making it the largest Christian nation on earth today. (Which is why western financial sanctions only acted realistically to strengthen Russian economic interest domestically & globally and simultaneously destroyed the Western New World Order.)

These shared values have also established themselves in the Hindu-Nationalist India under the leadership of “Prime Minister Narendra Modi,” and the increasingly Neo-Confusion China under “President Xi-Jimping.” This dynamic is also happening across African nations with everything from the vehement cultural, political & social rejections of western liberal values codified in their laws to the several military take-overs and out-right ejections of EU and western diplomats. Asia and South America are quiet reflections of the others in this dynamic shift.

The west, particularly the United States is still attempting to hold on to the already dead western liberalist new world order (NWO) value structure even though it requires that the American culture accelerate its complete decline and it’s people become economic surfs in relation to the “Davos, Switzerland Crowd” along with the people of the European Union.

This too, has reversed itself with the rise of the American People against any future decline with the “Make American Great Again” movements throughout the nation and world. A world that continuously seeks to work with a strong United States and adopt “American Know-How,” along with a strong Russia, and China. (As opposed to the old…. “in leu of a strong Russia & China.”)

This is the new world paradigm that we at Aurum are investing in and with the continuing volatility as the cultural foundations in the United States and the west continue to eradicate the remnants of the dead skin of the western liberal political, economic & moral decline of their country and as Americans continue to ascend to their rightful place again with a second Trump Presidency we will be there also, ( as we will be joined with the rest of the world ) Underwriting Risk to provide the surety of the very best of the people’s interest and infrastructure for economic & moral development.

We have invested in future long-term growth. Alongside our capital and risk management capabilities that create valuable stability and optionality in the investments we make in our overall corporate health – those that promote the climate and culture of our company – pay among the highest yield on private notes, and insurance – linked securities to investors.

This performance is by thoughtful design, not chance. For the past year, we have reliably executed a consistent and differentiated strategy of scaling simplicity: relentlessly untangling complexity in our businesses and our client’s solutions & experiences. Step by step, we are developing our capabilities to deliver simplicity & excellence at scale globally for the benefit of our clients, their projects & investors alike. This progress touches all aspects of our business. From notable improvements in our custom-tailored product line, process design and client communications, to the systematic digitialization of our overall enterprise.

Through our robust financial performance, reliable capital distribution to our investors, especially in light of its critical role in shaping client outcomes, a healthy and engaged ancillary fronting, management, marketing & investments firms are among the most powerful competitive advantages that our company can have.

As to the other dynamics wherein western corporations in the western countries attempt to create artificial constructs to illustrate or placate some western populations as though they are somehow virtuous woke corporate agents of social engineering, here, I will address only a few.

As to such subjective appearances as “Inclusive Meritocracy,” “Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion,” “Gender-Equality Index,” “the German Refinitiv Diversity & Inclusion Index,” and “ESG” scores. We view these as elements of the declining western “socialist” artificial constructs that serve only to provide illusionary public “Feel-Good” platitudes. They act as a detraction from a free individual’s drive  to elevate their individual intellect and compete effectively in the real world with excellence, regardless of social standing.

Our executives must be able to provide the client and industry a superior, refined, & reasoned decision-making process to every area of their responsibilities regardless of echelon. (And we wouldn’t care if said executive it’s an elephant.)

As to “greenhouse gas emissions.” As an insurance company we take no part in such artificial constructs. Our research shows us that the emails stolen in 2009 from the climate scientist at the “University of East Anglia” demonstrated that they were in fact conspiring to structure (or fake) modeling to falsely support a problem that did not exist in the context with which they were pronouncing. And as per the emails themselves, they confess they did this to seek grants and other moneys for more & continuing study to enrich themselves. We here at Aurum, are charged with the safety and security of client & investor capital thus, we must take the less popular view based in geo-physics rather than the “earthy appeal to the populous trend fallacies,” that predominate the declining western social order that are out there.

Aurum secures the future of its clients and investors across the globe and provides them “surety,” rather than simply “confidence” in tomorrow. Our work at Aurum Group, is designed & structured to build a healthy, high-performing organization to maximize & realize the value of its scale worldwide. With ever growing societal & cultural cohesiveness in national and global economic expanding markets, and while creating some new and expanding projects & industries are actively reformatting the old established industries to be of greater utility than ever before. We look to underwrite success. We do this with a focus on ”Faith, Family and Freedom” around the world.

On behalf of our leadership team, I thank you for your trust in the Aurum Group and look forward to earning your continued investment support by being the best in the business in the years ahead.

Sincerely yours,


                                                                            As of Q4, 2023

” This past year, capital markets were shocked in multiple ways: the war in Ukraine, increasing polarization in democracies around the world, and a return of inflation to levels not seen for decades. Governments were forced – again – to backstop their economies, and growth stalled globally. Pressures from a tight labor market in the United States, and rising commodity prices and the energy crisis in Europe seeped into core inflation, and central banks embarked on a cycle of interest rates hikes that resulted in a rare decline in both global bond and equity markets.”